
When I work I’m driven by a question I can’t articulate.

Articulate: "to divide into distinct parts," from the Latin articulare, "separate into joints," and the Latin root articulus, "joint."

i can’t articulate it but I feel it in my joints. My mouth stays dumb while my body asks the question over and over again in each bending of my limbs as I work.

next to my body there is another dreaming body. It slightly overlaps with my life-body, and in the middle of the Venn diagram is usually where I sleep.

one time I left the life-body completely and didn’t come back until morning. My dream-body flew in through the top of my head and landed in my feet. It said quickly, just before I woke up, β€œthank God I’m back!”

it feels like I make from the middle of the Venn diagram of my bodies, where questions and answers and giving and receiving are the same thing

it feels like on the inside of darkness there is an invisible light

if i go into the darkness i can draw out threads of light and stitch them into my life